Mercedes-Benz Brake Fluid 1LPart Number: A000 989 08 07 13
Brake fluid has to fulfill hydraulic functions in the brake system and in the hydraulic clutch operation. These tasks can be only fulfilled, in particular due to the high heat development during the brake application, by brake fluids that satisfy all the current technical requirements in their various properties (viscosity/temperature response, boiling point, corrosion protection, oxidation stability, etc.).
The brake fluids approved for all MB vehicle models are listed on Sheet 331.0. These brake fluids correspond to the requirements of the US safety regulations FMVSS 116, DOT 4, in addition to our requirements. The approved "DOT 4 plus" brake fluids (internal designation) are more advanced DOT 4 brake fluids with a higher wet boiling point, standard change interval: 2 years
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